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Diphtheria (diphtheria)

 Diphtheria (diphtheria)

Diphtheria (diphtheria)

What is diphtheria?

Diphtheria is a serious and contagious bacterial disease that leads to inflammation of the tonsils, pharynx, larynx, or nose, with the formation of a membrane attached to the tonsils that is difficult to remove, and may cause death due to obstruction of the respiratory tract. throttle

What are the causes of diphtheria?

One of the most important factors that increase the risk of diphtheria are: • Not being vaccinated or not completing all • Vaccination doses . •Severe crowding in infected areas and in closed spaces.

What are the symptoms of diphtheria?

  • Cough and a slight increase in temperature.
  • The patient feels tired.
  • There is a bad odor in the mouth. The voice is hoarse or similar to that of a horse.
  • Pain in the throat and the formation of a membrane that is difficult to remove.
  • Difficulty in swallowing.
  • Nasal discharge.
  • Rapid heartbeat.
  • A feeling of nausea with a headache.
  • Swollen lymph nodes in the neck.

What are the methods of transmission of diphtheria?

1. The patient's secretions from the nose or mouth, which come out in the form of mist when sneezing and coughing. 2. Direct contact with wounds (ulcers) that the patient suffers from. 3. Use personal tools that reach the patient’s saliva and secretions.
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